Friday, January 9, 2009


Here I am, counting the hours until you leave.... Why am I not where I should be right now? Why am I not with you? Once you get on that plane you'd be gone, and I will be left here wondering when you'll return or when I will be seeing you again. 

I wish I had more time. Time to let it all sink in. Time for me to understand, for me to adjust. But the little time I have to be with you, I can feel slipping from my grasp. It's frustrating when one realizes that things are out of his control. I cannot control this as much as I cannot command the tide. I cannot fight this because it is much bigger than me. I am but a speck compared to this. 

No one can fight the wave. One can only ride it or roll with it, else it will crush you underneath it or push you into it's depths. That is why I let you go. This is my attempt to roll with the wave. But sometimes, the wave does what it pleases no matter what anyone tries. 

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