Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dr. Manhattan is in the News!

Just something awesome that I've seen today. The hype is finally starting. Watchmen is one of my most anticipated movies this year. This will be coming out this March in the US, so I expect it to hit locally pretty much the same time. This movie is of course an adaptation of a super-hero comic miniseries that came out in the eighties, a deconstruction of the super-hero genre. It is set in an alternate world where costumed heroes or crime fighters exist and America is in the brink of nuclear war against the Soviet Union. Watchmen is a murder mystery in the beginning but grows into something much more complex. It is the only graphic novel listed by Time in their greatest 100 novels published from 1923 to the present.

No question that the comic book is a masterpiece. I spent days thinking about it after I finished reading. I'm unsure how it's going to play up as movie, though. But I'm still excited as hell. Out of all the superhero movies that has been released so far, Watchmen promises to be the most epic in scale. I hope it's as good as it seems, but I'm lowering my expectations a bit just in case. I'd hate to be disappointed.

Here's an awesome viral video in promotion of the film. A faux 70s newscast about Dr. Manhattan, the only super-powered character in the story. I have to say they really did a neat job on this one, looks very authentic.

The full Trailer.

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